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Alan Davis
€36.00 *
Sinfonia d-Moll
Johann Sebastian Bach
Sinfonia d-Moll
aus der Kantate "Geist und Seele wird verwirret"  
Die Sinfonia d-Moll ist eine Bearbeitung des einleitenden rein instrumentalen Eingangssatzes der Kantate "Geist und Seele wird verwirret" BWV 35 von J. S. Bach, die 1726 erstmals zur Aufführung gelangte. Bach selbst nannte diesen Satz Concerto. Sollte kein Tasteninstrument zur Verfügung stehen, so ist es auch sehr reizvoll, das Werk mit einem reinen Blockflötenquintett (SSATB) zu spielen.
€20.00 *
Brandenburg Concerto No. 3, 1st movement - score
Johann Sebastian Bach
Brandenburg Concerto No. 3, 1st movement - score
10 Recorders (AAATTTBBBKb)  
In addition to the series ‘Flanders Recorder Quartet presents’, the four dedicated musicians of the quartet now also present works for larger ensembles. The complete parts are available separately: N 2721 Please contact us or send us an e-mail .
€15.00 *
Brandenburg Concerto No. 3, 1st movement - complete parts
Johann Sebastian Bach
Brandenburg Concerto No. 3, 1st movement - complete parts
10 Recorders (AAATTTBBBKb)  
In addition to the series ‘Flanders Recorder Quartet presents’, the four dedicated musicians of the quartet now also present works for larger ensembles. The score is available under the order number N 2720 .
€40.00 *
Ali Baba and the 40 thieves - score
Jan Van Landeghem
Ali Baba and the 40 thieves - score
5 recorders (Choir I : SAATB), 4 recorders (Choir II : SATB)  
'Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves' was commissioned by the Flanders Recorder Quartet for the 1991 Recorder Week in Kampenhout (Belgium). The music roughly follows the well-known story of Ali Baba and uses the typical modes of the Middle East as well as a few contemporary playing techniques. The two-choir structure of the piece allows recorder players of different abilities to play together, as Choir II demands a higher level of playing than Choir I.
€14.00 *
Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves - complete parts
Jan Van Landeghem
Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves - complete parts
5 recorders ( Choir I : SAATB), 4 recorders (Choir II :...  
'Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves' was commissioned by the Flanders Recorder Quartet for the 1991 Recorder Week in Kampenhout (Belgium). The music roughly follows the well-known story of Ali Baba and uses the typical modes of the Middle East as well as a few contemporary playing techniques. The two-choir structure of the piece allows recorder players of different abilities to play together, as Choir II demands a higher level of playing than Choir I. The parts are also available separately (3,00 Euro each). PLease contact us or send us an e-mail .
€30.00 *
Raphael Benjamin Meyer
Raphael Meyer nimmt 5 Blockflöten und 1 Cembalo mit auf eine unterhaltsame Reise von Wien über Paris nach Konstantinopel auf den Spuren des legendären Orient-Expresses. Abfahrt und Halt des Zuges werden auf den Instrumenten ebenso nachempfunden wie die typischen Eindrücke der Haltepunkte. Ein absolut hinreißendes Stück, das dazu einlädt, auch mal gemeinsam mit einem Blockflötenorchester auf die Reise zu gehen. Inhalt: - Abfahrt / Departure - Wien / Vienna - Paris - Konstantinopel Die Stimmen sind einzeln erhältlich.
€24.00 *
Raphael Benjamin Meyer
Beschreibung: Mit den "Block-Blues" greift Raphael Meyer bekannte Elemente des Blues auf. Das zwölftaktige Harmonieschema übernimmt er jedoch nicht streng, sondern spielt mit dessen Länge und entwickelt so seine eigene Blues-Version. Das "Call and Response"-Spiel erzielt Raphael Meyer mit Hilfe der zwei Chöre. Diese Anlage ermöglicht zudem das Zusammenspiel von fortgeschrittenen und nicht so versierten Spielern, da Chor zwei rhythmisch und spieltechnisch einfacher gehalten ist als Chor eins.
€24.80 *
Irish Suite
Raphael Benjamin Meyer
Irish Suite
Raphael B. Meyer wrote the Irish Suite on behalf of the Swiss ERTA (European Recorder Teachers Association) for a larger recorder formation. The result is a challenging composition that can be practised, but is not short on fun. The traditional Irish music with its simple basic structure and catchy, simple melodies touches pupils and teachers alike. With the Irish Suite, Raphael B. Meyer has created a work in three movements which are designed in such a way that they can be played at different speeds and without ornamentation without the music losing its effect. Individual parts: N 2841 - soprano/sopranino N 2842 - Alto I, II N 2843 - Tenor I, II, III N 2844 - Bass I, II N 2845 - Subbass/major bass in bass clef N 2846 - Great bass in treble clef
€15.00 *
Irish Suite - sopranino / soprano recorder
Raphael Benjamin Meyer
Irish Suite - sopranino / soprano recorder
Sopranino, Sopran recorder  
Raphael B. Meyer wrote the Irish Suite on behalf of the Swiss ERTA (European Recorder Teachers Association) for a larger recorder formation. The result is a challenging composition that can be practised, but is not short on fun. The traditional Irish music with its simple basic structure and catchy, simple melodies touches pupils and teachers alike. With the Irish Suite, Raphael B. Meyer has created a work in three movements which are designed in such a way that they can be played at different speeds and without ornamentation without the music losing its effect. Score: N 2824 Individual parts: N 2841 - soprano/sopranino N 2842 - Alto I, II N 2843 - Tenor I, II, III N 2844 - Bass I, II N 2845 - Subbass/major bass in bass clef N 2846 - Great bass in treble clef
€2.50 *
Irish suite - Alto recorder
Raphael Benjamin Meyer
Irish suite - Alto recorder
Alto recorder  
Raphael B. Meyer wrote the Irish Suite on behalf of the Swiss ERTA (European Recorder Teachers Association) for a larger recorder formation. The result is a challenging composition that can be practised, but is not short on fun. The traditional Irish music with its simple basic structure and catchy, simple melodies touches pupils and teachers alike. With the Irish Suite, Raphael B. Meyer has created a work in three movements which are designed in such a way that they can be played at different speeds and without ornamentation without the music losing its effect. Individual parts: N 2841 - soprano/sopranino N 2842 - Alto I, II N 2843 - Tenor I, II, III N 2844 - Bass I, II N 2845 - Subbass/major bass in bass clef N 2846 - Great bass in treble clef Irish Suite - sopranino / soprano recorder
€2.50 *
Irish suite - Tenor recorder
Raphael Benjamin Meyer
Irish suite - Tenor recorder
Tenor recorder  
Raphael B. Meyer wrote the Irish Suite on behalf of the Swiss ERTA (European Recorder Teachers Association) for a larger recorder formation. The result is a challenging composition that can be practised, but is not short on fun. The traditional Irish music with its simple basic structure and catchy, simple melodies touches pupils and teachers alike. With the Irish Suite, Raphael B. Meyer has created a work in three movements which are designed in such a way that they can be played at different speeds and without ornamentation without the music losing its effect. Score: N 2824 Individual parts: N 2841 - soprano/sopranino N 2842 - Alto I, II N 2843 - Tenor I, II, III N 2844 - Bass I, II N 2845 - Subbass/major bass in bass clef N 2846 - Great bass in treble clef
€3.00 *
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