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Volkslieder in leichten Sätzen
Friedrich Klug
Volkslieder in leichten Sätzen
2 Violoncelli  
Inhalt: 1. Der Mond ist aufgegangen 2. Nun ruhen alle Wälder 3. Gestern Abend ging ich aus 4. Wach auf, mein's Herzens Schöne 5. Im Märzen der Bauer 6. Der Winter ist vergangen 7. Vogelhochzeit 9. Wenn ich ein Vöglein wär 10. Tanz mir nicht mit meiner Jungfer Käthen 11. Es het e Bur e Töchterli 12. Weiß mir ein Blümlein blaue 13. Es stand ein' Lind im tiefen Tal 14. Es, es, es und es 15. Ade zur guten Nacht 16. Du mein einzig Licht 17. Es blies ein Jäger 18. Es saß ein schneeweiß Vögelein 19. Ach Blümlein blau verdorre nicht 20. Schwesterlein, wann gehn wir nach Haus 21. Es fiel ein Reif 22. Grüß Gott, du schöner Maien 23. Fuchs, beiß mich nicht 24. Es kam ein Herr zum Schlößli 25. Nun will der Lenz uns grüßen 26. Es steht ein Baum im Odenwald 27. Mir ist ein feins brauns Maidelein 28. Jetzt gang i ans Brünnele 29. Es wollt ein Schneider wandern 30. Es wollt ein Jägerlein jagen 31. Ich haab die Nacht geträumet
€9.90 *
Volkslieder in leichten Sätzen
Friedrich Klug
Volkslieder in leichten Sätzen
Violoncello und Klavier  
€11.90 *
Erstes Kammermusikspiel
Klara Somlo
Erstes Kammermusikspiel
2 Violoncelli  
Die vorliegende Ausgabe ist als Einführung in das Kammermusikspiel gedacht. Der Schüler soll von Anfang an mit dem Zusammenspiel vertraut gemacht werden und auf eine reine Intonation achten lernen. Inhalt: 1. Aller Anfang ist schwer (D. G. Türk) 2. Der muntere Knabe (D. G. Türk) 3. Arietta (J.-B. Lully) 4. Kiederlied 5. Menuet (J.-Ph. Rameau) 6. Kinder-Romanze (D. G. Türk) 7. Passepied (G. F. Händel) 8. Schwäbisch (J. Ch. Bach) 9. Hans ohne Sorgen (D. G. Türk) 10. Lied (J.-B. Lully) 11. Jugendlich froh (D. G. Türk) 12. Rigaudon (J.-Ph. Rameau) 13. Die Waldhörner und das Echo (D. G. Türk) 14. Allegretto (J. Witthauer) 15. Der Gutherzige (D. G. Türk) 16. Abendlied (D. G. Türk) 17. Menuetto (J. Haydn) 18. Thema (J. Haydn) 19. Die Unschuld (D. G. Türk) 20. Impertinence (G. F. Händel) 21. Menuetto (J.-B. Lully) 22. Menuetto (Ch. G. Neefe) 23. Bourrée (J. Krieger) 24. Menuetto (Ch. Dieupart) 25. Entrée (L. Mozart) 26. Menuetto (J. Krieger) 27. Erbauliche Gedanken eines Tabakenrauchers (J. S. Bach) 28. Bourrée (L. Mozart) 29. Polonaise (J. S. Bach) 30. March (H. Purcell) 31. Wie es eigentlich sein soll (D. G. Türk) 32. March (H. Purcell) 33. Menuet (J. S. Bach) 34. Minuet (H. Purcell) 35. Aria (P. Paepen) 36. Allegretto (D. G. Türk) 37. Bourrée (L. Mozart) 38. Bourrée (G. F. Händel) 39. March (J. S. Bach) 40. Menuet (J. S. Bach) 41. Angloise (L. Mozart)
€11.90 *
6 Divertimenti | A. Barette (Baretti) | Heinrichshofen publishing house
A. Barette (Baretti)
6 Divertimenti
2 Violoncellos (bassoons, violas da gamba)  
A. Barette (also known as Baretti) was probably a brother of the famous poet and writer Gioseffo and lived in Turin as a music teacher in the second half of the 18th century. He composed several instrumental works, including mainly chamber music for violoncello and some pieces for harpsichord. The present VI Divertimenti op. 1 for 2 violoncellos were first published in Paris and Amsterdam in 1770, were later copied and catalogued by Westphal as No 250. As the first edition could not be found, our new edition is based on this copy (Conservatory Library, Brussels). The designation deux Basses preferably refers to 2 violoncellos, but a scoring with 2 bassoons, violas da gamba or other bass instruments is also possible. Content: I. Allegretto Largo Menuetto Trio II. Allegretto Andante Menuetto Trio III. Moderato Largo Menuetto Trio IV. Allegro Moderato Lento Menuetto Trio V. Allegretto Andante Menuetto VI. Allegretto Lento Menuetto
€17.90 *
Sonata D Major | Carl Heinrich Graun | Heinrichshofen publishing house
Carl Heinrich Graun
Sonata D Major
Flute (violin) and basso continuo (violincello ad.lib.)  
The publication of this sonata by the Potsdam court conductor Carl Heinrich Graun is based on a manuscript in the possession of the Saxon State Library in Dresden. Our edition is the first time the work has appeared in print. Editorial additions are marked as such in the score; added slurs are dotted, added ornaments and dynamic markings are bracketed. The harpsichord accompaniment, written after the figured bass, is printed in small print. Content: - Largo - Poco allegro - Vivace
€13.00 *
6 sonatas op.3 | Benoit Guillemant | Heinrichshofen publishing house
Benoît Guillemant
6 sonatas op. 3
2 violoncellos (bassoons, violas da gamba)  
Benoit Guillemant was a flautist and lived in Paris between 1746 and 1757. The dates of his life are not known. These six sonatas op.3 are his only compositions of this kind. In addition to the stylistically correct articulations, their musically flawless performance also includes the precise interpretation of the ornamentation and the independent insertion of ornaments, where these are not prescribed but are tacitly assumed by the composer in accordance with the usage of the time. The score follows the original musical notation. All additions by the editor have been noted in the usual way. Content: I. Sonata - Allegro - Gratioso - Allegro - Aria gratioso - Allegro II. Sonata - Andante - Allegro - Affettuoso - Aria prima (Poco allegro) - Aria secunda III. Sonata - Aria gratioso - Allegro moderato - Andante - Tempo di Minuetto IV. Sonata - Allegro - Aria gratioso - Giga allegro - Cantabile - Minuetto primo - Minuetto secondo V. Sonata - Cantabile - Allegro moderato - Affettuoso - Aria moderato VI. Sonata - Gratioso - Fanfare - Aria (Affettuoso) - Fanfare
€16.00 *
Three sonata | Giambattista Cirri | Heinrichshofen publishing house
Giambattista Cirri
Three sonatas
Violoncello and basso continuo  
Giambattista Cirri was born in Forli around 1740. He spent most of his life as a violoncellist in England, but then returned to Italy, where he died in 1808. Cirri composed mainly for his instrument. A large number of duets, sonatas and concertos appeared in print in London, Paris and Florence during his lifetime. These three sonatas are a valuable addition to the beginner's repertoire. Their range barely exceeds the first three neck positions, the tonal possibilities of the cello are largely utilised within this framework and the musical content is interesting and stimulating. The realisation of the basso continuo was deliberately kept in the lower register and very simple in order to enable beginners to play together homogeneously. The score reproduces the original musical notation. All additions by the editor are indicated by engraved notes, markings or brackets. In the solo part, the ornaments appear above the musical text. Content: Sonata I - Allegro - Adagio - Menuetto Sonata II - Allegro - Adagio - Menuetto I - Menuetto II Sonata III - Allegro - Adagio - Menuetto The pieces are also available individually as pdf files. Click on the drop-down menu under ‘ISSUE (please select)’.
From €4.99 *
Peter Heilbut
Violoncello und Klavier  
Inhalt: Johann Philipp Kirnberger: - Menuett - Trio Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach: - Marcia Joseph Haydn: - Menuett I - Trio - Menuett 2 - Trio Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: - Deutscher Tanz - Trio Franz Schubert: - Sechs Ecossaisen Georg Friedrich Händel: - Chaconne Georg Philipp Telemann: - Fuge und Presto - Presto
€13.50 *
Duetto - C-major | Christoph Schaffrath | Heinrichshofen publishing house
Christoph Schaffrath
Duetto in C major
Violoncello and harpsichord obligato (lute , harp)  
Christoph Schaffrath (1709-1763) was one of the important musicians and composers that the music-loving Frederick II of Prussia gathered around him. He can be described as one of the most interesting and imaginative composers of the Berlin circle. In addition to overtures, symphonies and quartets, he mainly wrote harpsichord works and chamber music in which the keyboard instrument plays a leading role. The editor's work extends to compiling the score, correcting some errors and setting out the continuo parts. Additions to the score are indicated as such by small notes, brackets or dotted slurs. Content: - Allegretto - Adagio - Allegro
€15.00 *
Concertare - erstes Zusammenspiel
Peter Heilbut
Concertare - erstes Zusammenspiel
Violine, Violoncello und Klavier  
Sehr leichte Stücke, zusammengestellt für das erste Zusammenspiel von Violine, Violoncello und Klavier. Inhalt: 1. Wettstreit zwischen Violine und Violoncello 2. Nachbartöne 3. Pizzicatoständchen mit leeren Saiten 4. Der Tanz mit den goldenen Schuhen 5. Kanon 6. Bärentanz 7. Tölpel kann tanzen 8. Wie ein Menuett zu spielen 9. Wechseltanz
€15.00 *
Sonata A minor | Antonio Veracini | Heinrichshofen publishing house
Antonio Veracini
Sonata a- minor
Violin, violincello and hapsichord  
The Florentine violinist Antonio Veracini was born in 1659 and died in his home town in 1733. His father Francesco da Niccolò Veracini (1638-1720) was a violinist. He probably received his first lessons in violin playing and composition from him. Antonio's employment by the Grand Duchess Vittoria delle Rovere was probably due to his father's good personal relationships at the Tuscan court. He dedicated his first major work to her, the sonatas op. 1 for 2 violins with basso continuo. Apart from these trio sonatas published in 1692, the violin sonatas (Sonate da Chiesa) op. 2 and violin sonatas (Sonata da Camera) op. 3 are known from his printed compositions. Unfortunately, the music for some of the oratorios documented by the libretti that have been found seems to have been lost. Rogers used the undated reprint published by F. Rosati in Modena and the first edition of 1696 dedicated to ‘Serenissimo Principe Gio Gastone di Toscana’ as a model for this edition of the fourth chamber sonata. The model was tacitly corrected. Additions for practical use have been indicated in the score by bracketing, dashes or small print. Content: - Grave - Largo - Vivace
€13.00 *
nuovo ricercare 6
Amico Dolci
nuovo ricercare 6
Blockflöte (Sopranino-, Sopran-, oder Altblockflöte)...  
€24.80 *
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