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Happ'nings | Graham Waterhouse | Heinrichshofen publishing house
Graham Waterhouse
For 8 cellos and 8 speaking voices  
Fascinated by the counterpoint between cello and speaking voice, Graham Waterhouse has already composed several works for this instrumentation. In this piece, the eight cello voices have now been expanded with eight speaking voices, so that a total of 16 voices form a diverse structure and harmony. The work is based on a bizarre and somewhat surreal poem, dominated by black humour, written by the Russian poet Daniil Charms. Comedy and tragedy are closely linked, leaving the audience both amused and shocked. The rich imagery meets varied writing and calls for a lively and imaginative performance. A video of the premiere with the Cologne cello octet ‘Celli con Carne’ can be found here:
€26.00 *
Happ'nings | Graham Waterhouse | Heinrichshofen publishing house
Graham Waterhouse
8 cellos and 8 speaking voices  
Fascinated by the counterpoint between cello and speaking voice, Graham Waterhouse has already composed several works for this instrumentation. In this piece, the eight cello voices have now been expanded with eight speaking voices, so that a total of 16 voices form a diverse structure and harmony. The work is based on a bizarre and somewhat surreal poem, dominated by black humour, written by the Russian poet Daniil Charms. Comedy and tragedy are closely linked and the audience is both amused and shocked. The rich imagery meets varied writing and calls for a lively and imaginative performance. A video of the premiere with the Cologne cello octet ‘Celli con Carne’ can be found here:
€26.00 *
Weihnachtliche Straßenmusik (Christmas Street Music)
Uwe Heger
Weihnachtliche Straßenmusik (Christmas Street Music)
Swinging Christmas Songs (Canons for Ensemble)  
Lovers of the well-known street music series can now look forward to Christmas. 50 well-known and popular Christmas songs such as "Alle Jahre wieder", "Jingle Bells", "The First Noël" and many more have been arranged by Uwe Heger in the style of street music. The result are melodious canons for two to three instruments, suitable for lessons, recitals and celebrations. As usual with the street music series, there are no turning points. All editions of "Christmas Street Music" can be combined with each other. Chords are added to all pieces for accompaniment with keyboard instruments. Contents: 1. Alle Jahre wieder 2. Als ich bei meinen Schafen wacht' 3. Am Weihnachtsbaum 4. Auf, ihr Hirten, von dem Schlaf 5. Away in a Manger 6. Der Christbaum ist der schönste Baum 7. Es ist ein Ros' entsprungen 8. Es ist für uns eine Zeit angekommen 9. Es kommt ein Schiff geladen 10. Freu' dich, Erd' und Sternenzelt 11. Freut euch alle 12. Fröhliche Weihnacht' überall 13. Fröhlich soll mein Herze springen 14. Go, Tell It on the Mountain 15. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing16.- Herbei, 16. O ihr Gläubigen 17. Ich steh' an deiner Krippe hier 18. Ihr Hirten, erwacht! 19. Ihr Kinderlein kommet 20. In dulci jubilo 21. Inmitten der Nacht 22. Jingle Bells 23. Josef, lieber Josef mein 24. Joy to the World 25. Kling, Glöckchen, klingelingeling 26. Kommet, ihr Hirten 27. Kommt und lasst uns Christum ehren 28. Lasst uns froh und munter sein 29. Leise rieselt der Schnee 30. Les anges dans nos campagnes 31. Lieb' Nachtigall, wach auf! 32. Lobt Gott, ihr Christen, alle gleich 33. Maria durch ein' Dornwald ging 34. Morgen, Kinder, wird's was geben 35. Morgen kommt der Weihnachtsmann 36. Nun kommt der Heiden Heiland 37. O du fröhliche, o du selige 38. O laufet, ihr Hirten 39. O Tannenbaum 40. Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht 41. Still, still, still 42. Süßer die Glocken nie klingen 43. The First Noël 44. Tochter Zion 45. Vom Himmel hoch, da komm' ich her 46. Vom Himmel hoch, o Englein kommt 47. Was soll das bedeuten 48. We Wish You a Merry Christmas 49. Wie soll ich dich empfangen 50. Zu Bethlehem geboren
From €1.99 *
Leichte Volkslieder-Trios 6
Uwe Heger
Leichte Volkslieder-Trios 6
Diese sechs Trios stehen in vier verschiedenen, auch für Anfänger leicht zu spielenden Tonarten. Kleine Vor- und Nachspiele umrahmen die Arrangements. Ausgabe im Bassschlüssel Inhalt: - Guten Abend, gute Nacht - Bruder Jakob - Weißt du, wieviel Sternlein stehen - Guter Mond, du gehst so stille - Dat du min Leevsten büst
€11.50 *
Leichte Ragtime-Trios
Scott Joplin
Leichte Ragtime-Trios
Die Leichten Ragtime-Trios sind ein Beitrag, den musikalischen Alltag durch das motivierende Ensemblespiel zu bereichern. Alle Arrangements sind im leichten Schwierigkeitsgrad gehalten. Inhalt: - The Easy Winners (Scott Joplin) - The Entertainer (Scott Joplin) - Dickie's Rag (Uwe Heger) - The Strenuous Life (Scott Joplin) - The Sycamore (Scott Joplin)
€11.50 *
Celleisdoscope | Franz-Michael Deimling | Heinrichshofen publishing house
Franz-Michael Deimling
12 Violoncelli  
Celleidoscope is a special composition for the 50th anniversary of the 12 cellists of the Berliner Philharmoniker. The music is based on the idea of a kaleidoscope, in which colourful glass stones fall together differently each time they are turned, creating new images. The principle is adopted in the 12 cello parts: The instruments are arranged in a semi-circle and the musical building blocks run through the parts and are constantly rearranged, resulting in a unique music-playing and listening experience.
€30.00 *
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