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Cantantibus organis, volume 13
Eberhard Kraus
Cantantibus organis, volume 13
Organ music at the Habsburg courts - Vienna at the time of Emperor Leopold I The Cantantibus Organis series presents organ pieces in several booklets, one group of which is selected according to the festive cycles and special themes of the church year; other groups with free preludes, interludes and postludes are arranged according to musical points of view. The level of difficulty of the selected pieces ranges from ‘easy’ to ‘quite difficult’. No special pedalling skills are required. Numerous pieces are for historical reasons, to be played entirely without pedal. The main emphasis of the selected pieces in this collection is on manual technique. Many of the works are ideal for church music festivals and concerts. The pieces without pedal also sound excellent on the harpsichord. This volume is dedicated to organ music at the Habsburg courts in Vienna at the time of Emperor Leopold I. Content: 1.Johann Jakob Froberger (1616-1667): Toccata 2.Johann Jakob Froberger (1616-1667): Ricercar 3.Johann Jakob Froberger (1616-1667): Capriccio 4.Johann Jakob Froberger (1616-1667): Ricercar 5.Johann Jakob Froberger (1616-1667): Capriccio 6.Johann Kaspar Kerll (1627-1693): Toccata tutta de salti 7.Johann Kaspar Kerll (1627-1693): Canzona 8.Ferdinand Tobias Richter (um 1649-1711): Toccata und Versette im 1. Ton 9.Wolfgang Ebner (1612-1665): Fuge 10.Johann Joseph Fux (1660-1741): Sonata seconda 11.Johann Joseph Fux (1660-1741): Sonata sexta 12.Franz Mathias Techelmann (um 1649-1714): Toccata 13.Franz Mathias Techelmann (um 1649-1714): Canzona 14.Franz Mathias Techelmann (um 1649-1714): Ricercare 15.Alessandro Poglietti (†1683): Praeludium, Cadenza e Fuga primi toni 16.Alessandro Poglietti (†1683): Praeludium, Cadenza e Fuga secundi toni 17.Alessandro Poglietti (†1683): Toccatina, Cadenza e Fuga terzii toni 18.Alessandro Poglietti (†1683): Toccatina, Cadenza e Fuga quarti toni 19.Alessandro Poglietti (†1683): Toccatina, Cadenza e Fuga quinti toni 20.Alessandro Poglietti (†1683): Toccatina, Cadenza e Fuga sexti toni 21.Alessandro Poglietti (†1683): Toccatina, Cadenza e Fuga septimi toni 22.Alessandro Poglietti (†1683): Toccatina, Cadenza e Fuga oktavi toni 23.Georg Reutter d.Ä. (1656-1738): Canzone „Christ ist erstanden“
€21.00 *
Cantantibus organis, volume 14
Eberhard Kraus
Cantantibus organis, volume 14
Organ music of the Carmelite Order The Cantantibus Organis series presents organ pieces in several booklets, one group of which is selected according to the festive cycles and special themes of the church year; other groups with free preludes, interludes and postludes are arranged according to musical points of view. The level of difficulty of the selected pieces ranges from ‘easy’ to ‘quite difficult’. No special pedalling skills are required. Numerous pieces are for historical reasons, to be played entirely without pedal. The main emphasis of the selected pieces in this collection is on manual technique. Many of the works are ideal for church music festivals and concerts. The pieces without pedal also sound excellent on the harpsichord. This volume is dedicated to the organ music of the Carmelite Order and is supplied in ring binding. Content: 1.P. Justinus a Desponsatione B. M. V. (1675-1747): Toccata (G major) 2nd P. Justinus a Desponsatione B. M. V. (1675-1747): Fuga (F major) 3.P. Justinus a Desponsatione B. M. V. (1675-1747): Aria septima 4.P. Justinus a Desponsatione B. M. V. (1675-1747): Aria undecima 5.P. Justinus a Desponsatione B. M. V. (1675-1747): Aria sexta 6.P. Justinus a Desponsatione B. M. V. (1675-1747): Toccata (D major) 7.P. Justinus a Desponsatione B. M. V. (1675-1747): Aria Pastorella (A major) 8.P. Justinus a Desponsatione B. M. V. (1675-1747): Aria Pastorella (B flat major) 9.P. Justinus a Desponsatione B. M. V. (1675-1747): Aria Pastorella (C major) 10.P. Justinus a Desponsatione B. M. V. (1675-1747): Toccata (G minor) 11.P. Justinus a Desponsatione B. M. V. (1675-1747): Fugue (E minor) 12.P. Justinus a Desponsatione B. M. V. (1675-1747): Toccata (D minor) 13.P. Justinus a Desponsatione B. M. V. (1675-1747): Aria secunda con Varizioni (D major) 14.P. Fr. Pedro Carrera y Lanchares (around 1790): Versos de 5 tono (Clasícos) 15.P. Fr. Pedro Carrera y Lanchares (around 1790): Versos de 5 tono 16.P. Pedro Carrera y Lanchares (c. 1790): Versos de 4 tono (Clasícos) 17.P. Fr. Pedro Carrera y Lanchares (c. 1790): Versos de 1 tono 18.P. Pedro Carrera y Lanchares (c. 1790): Versos de 8 tono (Clasícos)
€18.50 *
Cantantibus Organis, volume 15
Eberhard Kraus
Cantantibus Organis, volume 15
Organ Music in Benedictine Monasteries IV - Montecassino / Ottobeuren / Regensburg St. Emmeram The Cantantibus Organis series presents organ pieces in several booklets, one group of which is selected according to the festive cycles and special themes of the church year; other groups with free preludes, interludes and postludes are arranged according to musical points of view. The level of difficulty of the selected pieces ranges from ‘easy’ to ‘quite difficult’. No special pedalling skills are required. Numerous pieces are for historical reasons, to be played entirely without pedal. The main emphasis of the selected pieces in this collection is on manual technique. Many of the works are ideal for church music festivals and concerts. The pieces without pedal also sound excellent on the harpsichord. This volume is dedicated to organ music in the Benedictine monasteries of Montecassino / Ottobeuren / Regensburg St Emmeram. Content: 1.P. Sebastian Prixner (1744-1799): Praeludium C-Dur 2.P. Sebastian Prixner (1744-1799): Praeludium G-Dur 3.P. Sebastian Prixner (1744-1799): Versetten E-Dur 4.P. Sebastian Prixner (1744-1799): Phantasie C-Dur 5.P. Sebastian Prixner (1744-1799): Fughette d-Moll 6.P.D. Michele Giustiniani (17. Jh.): Sonata 7.P. Franz Schnizer (1740-1785): Sonata (D-Dur) 8.P. Franz Schnizer (1740-1785): Intermezzo (a-Moll) 9.P. Franz Schnizer (1740-1785): Sonata (F-Dur)
€15.50 *
Cantantibus organis, volume 16
Eberhard Kraus
Cantantibus organis, volume 16
Old English organ music The Cantantibus Organis series presents organ pieces in several booklets, one group of which is selected according to the festive circles and special themes of the church year; other groups with free preludes, interludes and postludes are arranged according to musical points of view. The level of difficulty of the selected pieces ranges from ‘easy’ to ‘quite difficult’. No special pedalling skills are required. Numerous pieces are for historical reasons, to be played entirely without pedal. The main emphasis of the selected pieces in this collection is on manual technique. Many of the works are ideal for church music festivals and concerts. The pieces without pedal also sound excellent on the harpsichord. This volume is dedicated to Early English organ music. Content: 1.William Byrd (um 1543 od. 1544-1623): Preludium 2.William Byrd (um 1543 od. 1544-1623): Preludium 3.John Bull (um 1562-1628): Preludium 4.Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625): Fantazia of foure parts 5.Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625): Preludium 6.Thomas Tomkins (1572-1656): A short verse 7.Alfonso Ferrabosco (um 1572-1628): Fantasia Ut re mi fa sol la La sol fa mi re ut 8.Arthur Philips (1605-1695): On a Ground 9.Nicholas Carleton (16./17. Jh.): Praeludium 10.Nicholas Carleton (16./17. Jh.): A verse of four parts 11.William Byrd (um 1543 od. 1544-1623): Fantazia 6 Voc. 12.William Byrd (um 1543 od. 1544-1623): Another Fantazia 6 Voc. 13.William Byrd (um 1543 od. 1544-1623): A Fancy of three parts
€17.50 *
Cantantibus organis, volume 17
Eberhard Kraus
Cantantibus organis, volume 17
Organ music for German hymns - Holy Spirit | Pentecost The Cantatibus Organis series presents organ pieces in several booklets, one group of which is selected according to the festive circles and special themes of the church year; other groups with free preludes, interludes and postludes are arranged according to musical points of view. The level of difficulty of the selected pieces ranges from ‘easy’ to ‘quite difficult’. No special pedalling skills are required. Numerous pieces are for historical reasons, to be played entirely without pedal. The main emphasis of the selected pieces in this collection is on manual technique. Many of the works are ideal for church music festivals and concerts. The pieces without pedal also sound excellent on the harpsichord. This volume is dedicated to organ music for the German hymn for Holy Spirit | Pentecost. Content: Komm, Heilger Geist, o Schöpfer du (EL 41), Komm, Heilger Geist, der Leben schafft (EGB 897), Komm, Gott Schöpfer, Heiliger Geist (EKG 97) 1. Sethus Calvisius (1556-1615), song movement 2. Melchior Vulpius (1570-1615), song movement 3.Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), song movement 4.Johannes Zahn (1817-1895), song composition 5. Adam von Fulda (around 1445-1505), chorale arrangements 6. Friedrich Wilhelm Zachau (1663-1712), chorale prelude 7. Johann Gottfried Walther (1684-1748), chorale preludes 8. Michael Gotthard Fischer (1773-1829), chorale prelude 9. Wilhelm Valentin Volckmar (1812-1887), chorale prelude 10. Moritz Brosig (1815-1887), chorale prelude Komm, o Geist der Heiligkeit (EL 42), Komm herab, o Heilger Geist (EGB 902) 11.Johann Georg Mettenleiter (1812-1858), song movement 12.Joseph Hanisch (1812-1892), song movement 13.Codex St. Emmeram (14th century), chorale arrangement 14.Glogauer Liederbuch (15th century), chorale arrangement Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist (EL 43, EGB 898, EKG 99) 15.Michael Praetorius (1571-1621), hymn setting 16.Joachim Decker (†1611), hymn setting 17.Johannes Zahn (1817-1895), song composition 18.Peter Piel (1835-1904), song composition 19.Glogauer Liederbuch (15th century), chorale arrangement 20.Caspar Othmayr (1515-1553), chorale bicinium 21.Christian Hollander (†1568/1569), chorale motet 22.Heinrich Scheidemann (1596-1663), Choral fantasia 23.Georg Böhm (1661-1733), chorale prelude 24.Johann Gottfried Walther (1684-1748), chorale prelude 25.Peter Piel (1835-1904), chorale preludes Komm, Schöpfer Geist, kehr bei uns ein (EL 44, EGB 905) 26. Peter Piel (1835-1904), song movement 27. Johann Singenberger (1848-1924), song movement 28. Bernhard Mettenleiter (1822-1901), chorale prelude 29. Peter Piel (1835-1904), chorale preludes
€16.50 *
Cantantibus organis, volume 18
Eberhard Kraus
Cantantibus organis, volume 18
Organ music of the Franciscans II The Cantantibus organis series presents organ pieces in several booklets, one group of which is selected according to the festive circles and special themes of the church year; other groups with free preludes, interludes and postludes are arranged according to musical points of view. The level of difficulty of the selected pieces ranges from ‘easy’ to ‘quite difficult’. No special pedalling skills are required. Numerous pieces are for historical reasons, to be played entirely without pedal. The main emphasis of the selected pieces in this collection is on manual technique. Many of the works are ideal for church music festivals and concerts. The pieces without pedal also sound excellent on the harpsichord. This volume is dedicated to the organ music of the Franciscans. Content: 1 P. Girolamo Diruta (* 1561): Toccata del XI. et XII. tuono 2. p. Girolamo Diruta (* 1561): Ricercare undecimo tuono 3. p. Girolamo Diruta (* 1561): Ricercare del duodecimo tuono 4. p. Girolamo Diruta (* 1561): Christe redemptor omnium (Christmas hymn) 5. p. Girolamo Diruta (* 1561): Ad coenam agni providi (Easter hymn) 6th P. Girolamo Diruta (* 1561): Contrapuncti (12 transposed church modes) 7. p. Girolamo Diruta (* 1561): Toccata di grado del primo tuono 8th P. Girolamo Diruta (* 1561): Toccata di salto buono del secondo tuono 9. p. Girolamo Diruta (* 1561): Toccata di salto cattivo del sesto tuono 10. p. Antonio Mortaro († 1620): Canzona detta l'Albergona 11. p. Antonio Mortaro († 1620) / p. Girolamo Diruta (* 1561): Canzona detta l'Albergona, Intavolatura diminuita 12. p. Antonio Mortaro († 1620): Fuga (I) a 4 13. p. Antonio Mortaro († 1620): Fuga (II) a 4 14. p. Antonio Mortaro († 1620): Fuga (III) a 4 15. p. Antonio Mortaro († 1620): Isti sunt qui venerunt ex magna tribulatione (motet for eight voices)
€13.50 *
Cantantibus organis, volume 19
Eberhard Kraus
Cantantibus organis, volume 19
The organ in the church year IV - Marian feasts The Cantantibus organis series presents organ pieces in several booklets, one group of which is selected according to the festive circles and special themes of the church year; other groups with free preludes, interludes and postludes are arranged according to musical points of view. The level of difficulty of the selected pieces ranges from ‘easy’ to ‘quite difficult’. No special pedalling skills are required. Numerous pieces are for historical reasons, to be played entirely without pedal. The main emphasis of the selected pieces in this collection is on manual technique. Many of the works are ideal for church music festivals and concerts. The pieces without pedal also sound excellent on the harpsichord. This volume is dedicated to organ music for Marian feasts. Content: 1. Buxheim Organ Book (15th century): Rorate coeli desuper. Introit: Marian mass Advent season 2. Philip ap Rhys (16th century): Felix namque es. Offertory: Marian Mass Christmas and Lent 3. Neresheim Organ Book (16th century): Salve sancta Parens. Introit: Marian Mass 4. Tablature by Fridolin Sicher (16th century): Ave Maria gratia plena. Offertory: Marian Mass 5. Hermann Erdelauer (15th century): Beata viscera Mariae. Communio: Marian Mass 6. Codex Nikolaus Apel (15th century): Quem terra pontus - Ave maris stella. Hymn: Matins on Marian feasts - Hymn: Vespers on Marian feasts 7. Buxheim Organ Book (15th century): O gloriosa Domina. Hymn: Lauds on Marian feasts 8. Manuel Rodrigues Coelho (before 1583-after 1623): Ave maris stella. Hymn: Vespers on Marian feasts 9. Christian Erbach (1570-1635): Ave maris stella 10. Jean François Dandrieu (1682-1738): Ave maris stella 11. Codex Nikolaus Apel (15th century): Alma redemptoris mater. Marian antiphon: Advent/Christmas 12. Tablature by Fridolin Sicher (16th century): Ave regina coelorum. Marian antiphon: Lent 13. Codex of St Emmeram (14th/15th century): Regina coeli. Marian antiphon: Easter/Pentecost 14. Giovanni Battista Fasolo (17th century): Salve Regina. Marian antiphon: Rest of the year 15. Buxheim Organ Book (15th century): Salve regina16th Neresheim Organ Book (16th century): Tota pulchra es amica. Alleluia verse: Immaculate Conception of Mary (8 December) 17 Codex Nikolaus Apel (15th century): Quod chorus vatum. Hymn: Maria Lichtmeß (2 February) 18 Glogau Songbook (15th century): Ecce concipes. Responsory: Annunciation of Mary (25 March) 19 Codex Nikolaus Apel (15th century): Assunt festa iubilae. Hymn: Visitation of Mary (2 July) 20.Hans Buchner (1483-1538): Quae est ista, quae ascendit. Responsorium: Assumption of Mary (15 August) 21. Glogau Songbook (15th century): Regina regnatium. Cantio: Mary Queen (22 August) 22. Adam of Fulda (around 1445-1505): Regali ex progenie. Antiphon: Birth of Mary (8 September) 23. Tablature by Fridolin Sicher (16th century): Virgo Dei Genitrix: Gradual verse: Seven Sorrows of Mary (15 September) 24. Buxheim Organ Book (15th century): O florens rosa. Antiphon: Feast of the Rosary (7 October)
€23.90 *
Cantantibus organis, volume 20
Eberhard Kraus
Cantantibus organis, volume 20
Old Bavarian organ music I - Upper Palatinate I The Cantantibus organis series presents organ pieces in several booklets, one group of which is selected according to the festive circles and special themes of the church year; other groups with free preludes, interludes and postludes are arranged according to musical points of view. The level of difficulty of the selected pieces ranges from ‘easy’ to ‘quite difficult’. No special pedalling skills are required. Numerous pieces are for historical reasons, to be played entirely without pedal. The main emphasis of the selected pieces in this collection is on manual technique. Many of the works are ideal for church music festivals and concerts. The pieces without pedal also sound excellent on the harpsichord. This volume is dedicated to organ music from the old Bavarian and Upper Palatinate. Content: 1.Hermann Erdelauer (before 1450): Three organ pieces 2.Urbanus Kungsprung (before 1450): Kyrie magnae Deus potnetiae 3.Sebastian Virdung (around 1465-around 1511): O heilge, unbefleckte, zart innige Jungfrau Maria. Song of Mary 4.Georg Forster (around 1510-1568): Timete Dominum omnes Sancti eius. Fuga in Omophonia 5.Georg Forster (around 1510-1568): O weh der Zeit. Bizinium 6.Caspar Othmayr (1515-1553): Vater unser im Himmelreich. Choralbizinium 7.Caspar Othmayr (1515-1553): Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein. Choralbizinium 8.Caspar Othmayr (1515-1553): Wo Gott zum Haus nicht gibt sein Gunst. Choralbizinium 9.Caspar Othmayr (1515-1553): Nun freut euch, lieben Christen g'mein. Choralbizinium 10.Caspar Othmayr (1515-1553): Mit Fried und Freud fahr ich dahin. Choralbizinium 11.Caspar Othmayr (1515-1553): Wo Gott der Herr nit bei uns wär. Choralbizinium 12.Jobst vom Brandt (1517-1570): Oppressit reducem. Motet 13.Mathias Gastritz (†1596): Non es bonum, hominem esse solum.Motet for five voices 14.Paul Homberger (1560-1634): Wenn mich Sünd, Schmerz und Tod. Eight-part motet for double choir 15.Andreas Raselius (um 1562-1602): Christum wir sollen loben schon. Hymn setting 16.Andreas Raselius (um 1562-1602): Jesus Christus unser Heiland, der den Tod überwand. Hymn setting 17.Andreas Raselius (um 1562-1602): Nun freut euch lieben Christen g'mein. Hymn setting 18.Gregor Aichinger (1564-1628): Praesul Sancte Dei Udalrice. Fünfstimmige Motette 19.Marianus Königsperger (1708-1769): Praeambulum und Versetten vierter Ton 20.Marianus Königsperger (1708-1769): Aria quarti toni 21.Marianus Königsperger (1708-1769): Praeambulum et Fuga quarti toni
€17.50 *
Cantantibus organis, volume 21
Eberhard Kraus
Cantantibus organis, volume 21
Organ music for German hymns II, Christmas festive season I The Cantantibus organis series presents organ pieces in several booklets, one group of which is selected according to the festive circles and special themes of the church year; other groups with free preludes, interludes and postludes are arranged according to musical points of view. The level of difficulty of the selected pieces ranges from ‘easy’ to ‘quite difficult’. No special pedalling skills are required. Numerous pieces are for historical reasons, to be played entirely without pedal. The main emphasis of the selected pieces in this collection is on manual technique. Many of the works are ideal for church music festivals and concerts. The pieces without pedal also sound excellent on the harpsichord. This volume is dedicated to the festive season of Christmas,including an insert with hymn texts. Content: Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ (GL 130 ö, EL 23, EKG 15) 1. Balthasar Resinarius (1486-1544), song movement 2. Joachim Decker (†1611), song movement 3. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), song movement 4. Johann Georg Herzog (1822-1909), song composition 5 Caspar Othmayr (1515-1553), chorale bicinium 6 Elias Nikolaus Ammerbach (around 1530-1597), chorale arrangement 7th Lüneburg organ tablature (17th century), 2 chorale arrangements 8. Johann Friedrich Alberti (1642-1710), chorale prelude 9.Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), chorale prelude 10.Gottfried August Homilius (1714-1785), chorale trio 11.Johann Christian Kittel (1732-1809), chorale prelude 12.Johann Georg Herzog (1822-1909), chorale prelude Es ist ein Ros entsprungen (GL 132, EL 21, EKG 23) 13.Michael Praetorius (1571-1621), song movement 14.Peter Piel (1835-1904), song movement 15.Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), chorale prelude 16.Peter Piel (1835-1904), chorale intonations 17.Emanuel Adler (1843-?), chorale prelude 18.Vinzenz Goller (1873-1953), chorale intonations Praise God, all ye Christians alike (GL 134 ö, EKG 21) 19.Johann Pachelbel (1653-1706), song movement 20.Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), song movement 21.Johannes Zahn (1817-1895), song movement 22.Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707), chorale prelude 23.Andreas Nicolaus Vetter (1666-1734), Choral fughette 24.Johann Christoph Oley (1738-1789), chorale prelude 25.Johann Samuel Harsow (18th century), chorale trio 26.Hieronymus Florentinus Quehl (18th century), Fugue and chorale 27.Wilhelm Volckmar (1812-1887), chorale prelude
€14.50 *
Cantatntibus organis, volume 22
Eberhard Kraus
Cantatntibus organis, volume 22
Organ music of the Augustinians The Cantantibus Organis series presents organ pieces in several booklets, one group of which is selected according to the festive cycles and special themes of the church year; other groups with free preludes, interludes and postludes are organised according to musical aspects. The level of difficulty of the selected pieces ranges from ‘easy’ to ‘quite difficult’. No special pedalling skills are required. Numerous pieces are historically based and can be played entirely without pedalling. The main emphasis of the selected pieces in this collection is on manual technique. Many of the works are ideal for church music festivals and concerts. The pieces without pedal also sound excellent on the harpsichord. This volume is dedicated to the organ music of the Augustinians and is supplied in ring binding. Content: 1.P. Felix Gass (18. Jh.): Aria Es-Dur 2.P. Felix Gass (18. Jh.): Aria c-Moll 3.P. Felix Gass (18. Jh.): Aria Es-Dur 4.P. Felix Gass (18. Jh.): Aria A-Dur 5.P. Felix Gass (18. Jh.): Aria a-Moll 6.P. Bruno Holzapfel (18. Jh.): Fantasia B-Dur 7.P. Bruno Holzapfel (18. Jh.): Cantabile B-Dur 8.P. Bruno Holzapfel (18. Jh.): Siciliano B-Dur 9.P. Bruno Holzapfel (18. Jh.): Vivace B-Dur 10.P. Theodor Grünberger (1756-1820): Praeludium zum Kyrie 11.P. Theodor Grünberger (1756-1820): Fuga nach der Epistel 12.P. Theodor Grünberger (1756-1820): Rondo unter dem Offertorium 13.P. Theodor Grünberger (1756-1820): Alla Capella zum Sanctus 14.P. Theodor Grünberger (1756-1820): Echostück unter der Wandlung 15.P. Theodor Grünberger (1756-1820): Postludium nach dem Ite Missa est
€15.50 *
Cantantibus Organis | Heft 23 | Eberhard Kraus | Heinrichshofen Verlag
Eberhard Kraus
Cantantibus organis | volume 23
Organ music for German hymns III, Christmas festive season II The Cantantibus organis collection contains pieces in several booklets, one group of which is selected according to the festive cycles and special themes of the church year; other groups with free preludes, interludes and postludes are organised according to musical points of view. The level of difficulty of the selected pieces ranges from ‘easy’ to ‘quite difficult’. No special pedalling skills are required. Numerous pieces are for historical reasons, to be played entirely without pedal. The main emphasis of the selected pieces in this collection is on manual technique. Many of the works are ideal for church music festivals and concerts. The pieces without pedal also sound excellent on the harpsichord. This volume is dedicated to the festive season of Christmas,including an insert with hymn texts. Content: Let us sing with cheerfulness (GL 135) 1.Hans Leo Hassler (1564-1612), carol setting 2.Peter Piel (1835-1904), carol setting 3.Bernhard von Salem (around 1500), chorale arrangements 4.Fridolin Sicher (1490-1546), chorale trio 5.Elias Nikolaus Ammerbach (around 1530-1597), chorale arrangements Tag an Glanz und Freuden groß (GL 137)- Der Tag, der ist so freudenreich (EKG 18) 6.Sethus Calvisius (1556-1615), hymn setting 7.Joachim Decker (†1611), song movement 8.Johannes Zahn (1817-1895), song composition 9.Caspar Othmayr (1515-1553), chorale bicinium 10.Alessandro Poglietti (†1683), Choral ricercare 11.Johann Heinrich Buttstedt (1666-1727), chorale prelude 12.Georg Pasterwitz (1730-1803), chorale fugue 13.Franz Schneider (1737-1812), chorale fugue 14.Bernhard Mettenleiter (1822-1901), chorale intonation Es kam ein Engel hell und klar (GL 138 ö, EL 22), Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her (EKG 16) 15.Jakob Praetorius (1586-1651), hymn setting 16.Johann Pachelbel (1653-1706), song movement 17.Johann Sebsatian Bach (1685-1750), song movement 18.Johann Singenberger (1848-1924), song movement 19.Caspar Othmayr (1515-1553), Choral Bizinium 20.Georg Friedrich Kauffmann (1679-1735), chorale trio 21.F.C. Scheidemantel (18th century), Chorale Trio 22.Christian Michael Wolff (1709-1789), chorale prelude 23.Moritz Brosig (1815-1887), Chorale Trio 24.Gustav Merkel (1827-1885), chorale prelude
€17.50 *
Cantantibus organis, volume 24
Eberhard Kraus
Cantantibus organis, volume 24
Old Bavarian organ music II, Upper Palatinate II The Cantantibus organis series presents organ pieces in several booklets, one group of which is selected according to the festive circles and special themes of the church year; other groups with free preludes, interludes and postludes are arranged according to musical points of view. The level of difficulty of the selected pieces ranges from ‘easy’ to ‘quite difficult’. No special pedalling skills are required. Numerous pieces are, for historical reasons, to be played entirely without pedal. The main emphasis of the selected pieces in this collection is on manual technique. Many of the works are ideal for church music festivals and concerts. The pieces without pedal also sound excellent on the harpsichord. This volume is dedicated to organ music from old Bavaria and Upper Palatinate. Content: 1.Oberpfälzer Orgelbuch (18. Jh.): Suite sexti toni 2.Sebastian Prixner (1744-1799): Versetten A-Dur 3.Theodor Grünberger (1756-1820): Pastorell – Orgelstücke 4.Simon Mayr (1763-1845): Preaeludium As-Dur 5.Simon Mayr (1763-1845): Preaeludium Es-Dur 6.Joseph Hanisch (1812-1892): Magnificat Initium II. et VIII. Toni 7.Michael Haller (1840-1915): Offertorium „Sacerdotes Domini“ 8.Joseph Renner (1868-1934): „Asperges me“ 9.Joseph Renner (1868-1934): „Ite missa est“. In Festis Solemnibus
€17.50 *
6 From 14