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Alois Bröder
Triptychon Bei einem Besuch in der Kathedrale von Coutances, Normandie: Stimmengewirr der anderen Besucher, ein Gastorganist probiert verschiedene Registrierungen aus, der dadurch ausgelöste Blick ins eigene Innere. In den drei extrem kontrastierenden Abschnitten des "Triptychon" hält Alois Bröder diese Erfahrung noch am selben Tag musikalisch fest.
Mehr €9.60 *
Eberhard Kraus
Cantantibus organis, volume 2 Organ
Organ music in European cathedrals I - Venice | Munich | Augsburg The Cantantibus Organis series presents organ pieces in several booklets, one group of which is selected according to the festive cycles and special themes of the church year; other groups with free preludes, interludes and postludes are organised according to musical aspects. The level of difficulty of the selected pieces ranges from ‘easy’ to ‘quite difficult’. No special pedalling skills are required. Numerous pieces are historically based and can be played entirely without pedalling. The main emphasis of the selected pieces in this collection is on manual technique. Many of the works are ideal for church music festivals and concerts. The pieces without pedal also sound excellent on the harpsichord. This volume is dedicated to organ music in European cathedrals - Venice | Munich | Augsburg. Content: - Claudio Merula (1533-1604): Toccata sesta terza tuono - Andrea Gabrieli (1510-1586): Praeludium sexti toni - Giovanni Gabrieli (1557-1612): Ricercar - Giovanni Gabrieli (1557-1612): Modus Sextus tranpositus per Quartam superiorem - Giovanni Gabrieli (1557-1612): Modus Decimus Tonus - Gioseffo Guammi (1540-1611): Canzon - Christian Erbach (1570-1635): Toccata primo tuono - Christian Erbach (1570-1635): Fantasiae primorum tonorum - Hans Leo Haßler (1564-1612): Canzona - Orlando di Lasso (1532-1594)/Jacob Prix (1550-1617): Da pacem Domine - Johann Kaspar Kerll (1627-1693): Toccata per li pedali - Franz Xaver Anton Muschhauser (1663-1738): Finale et Fuga septimi toni
Mehr €13.00 *
Eberhard Kraus
Cantantibus organis, volume 3 Organ
Organ music in the Bavarian region The Cantantibus Organis series presents organ pieces in several booklets, one group of which is selected according to the festive cycles and special themes of the church year; other groups with free preludes, interludes and postludes are organised according to musical aspects. The level of difficulty of the selected pieces ranges from ‘easy’ to ‘quite difficult’. No special pedalling skills are required. Numerous pieces are historically based and can be played entirely without pedalling. The main emphasis of the selected pieces in this collection is on manual technique. Many of the works are ideal for church music festivals and concerts. The pieces without pedal also sound excellent on the harpsichord. This volume is dedicated to organ music in the Bavarian region. Content: 1. Anonymous Bavarian mesiter (18th century): Praeambulum quinti toni (C major) 2. Gottfried Muffat (1690-1770): Toccata nona with 6 verses in C minor 3. Johann Ernst Eberlin (1702-1762): Praeludium, Versettas and Finale in D major 4. Franz Xaver Anton Murschhauser (1663-1738): Praeambulum in D minor 5. Abbé Georg Joseph Vogler (1749-1814): Prélude in E flat major 6. Johann Caspar Ett (1788-1847) / Joseph Grätz (1760-1826): Praeludium and Versettas in E major 7. Franz Anton Hugl (18th century): Prélude et Fugae sexti toni 8. Karlmann Kolb (1703-1765): Praeludium, Versi, Cadenza octavi toni 9. Anonymous Bavarian master (18th century): Préambulum secondi toni (G minor) 10. Johann Ernst Eberlin (1702-1762): Praeludium, Versetten and Finale in A minor 11. Franz Anton Hugl (18th century): Fuga ex B flat 12. Abbé Georg Joseph Vogler (1749-1814): Prelude in B minor
Mehr €17.50 *
Eberhard Kraus
Cantantibus organis, volume 4 Organ
The organ in the Choral Office IX. Mass-Cum Jubilo The Cantantibus Organis series presents organ pieces in several booklets, one group of which is selected according to the festive cycles and special themes of the church year; other groups with free preludes, interludes and postludes are organised according to musical aspects. The level of difficulty of the selected pieces ranges from ‘easy’ to ‘quite difficult’. No special pedalling skills are required. Numerous pieces are historically based and can be played entirely without pedalling. The main emphasis of the selected pieces in this collection is on manual technique. Many of the works are ideal for church music festivals and concerts. The pieces without pedal also sound excellent on the harpsichord. This volume is dedicated to the organ music in the Choral Office - IX Mass - Cum Jubilo. Content: 1.Giovanni Battista Fasolo (17th century): Missa Beatae Mariae Virginis 2.Girolamo Cavazzoni (* around 1500): Missa De Beata Virgine 3.Buxheim Organ Book (1465-1475): Kyrie and Gloria ‘De S. Maria V.’ 4.Christian Erbach (1570-1635): Kyrie B. Virginis 5.Gilles Binchois (around 1400-1460): Kyrie; 2 Kyrie of the Missa Beata Virgine 6.Josquin Desprez: Kyrie of the Missa de Beata Virgine 7.Erbach and Fasolo: The most important verses of the Missa B. Mariae Virginis transposed into the most common keys (Kyrie and Ite missa est, Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus dei)
Mehr €15.50 *
Eberhard Kraus
Cantantibus organis, volume 5 Organ
Organ music in Benedictine monasteries I - Kremsmünster | Prüfening | Rott am Inn The Cantantibus Organis series presents organ pieces in several booklets, one group of which is selected according to the festive cycles and special themes of the church year; other groups with free preludes, interludes and postludes are organised according to musical aspects. The level of difficulty of the selected pieces ranges from ‘easy’ to ‘quite difficult’. No special pedalling skills are required. Numerous pieces are historically based and can be played entirely without pedalling. The main emphasis of the selected pieces in this collection is on manual technique. Many of the works are ideal for church music festivals and concerts. The pieces without pedal also sound excellent on the harpsichord. This volume is dedicated to organ music in Benedictine monasteries - Kremsmünster | Prüfening | Rott am Inn. Content: 1. P. Georg Pasterwitz (1730-1803): Fugue in E major 2. P. Georg Pasterwitz (1730-1803): 6 versets in F minor 3. P. Georg Pasterwitz (1730-1803): Fugue F minor 4. P. Georg Pasterwitz (1730-1803): 7 versets in G minor 5. P. Georg Pasterwitz (1730-1803): Fugue A major 6. Fr Marianus Königsperger (1708-1769): Praeambulum et Fuga Septimi toni (D major) 7. Marianus Königsperger (1708-1769): Praeambulum und Versetten quinti toni (C major) 8. Fr Marianus Königsperger (1708-1769): Praeambulum et Fuga tertii toni 9. Marianus Königsperger (1708-1769): Fingerstreit or piano exercise - Praeambulum and fugue 10. Friar Marianus Königsperger (1708-1769): Aria secundi toni 11. Fr Marianus Königsperger (1708-1769): Aria septimi toni 12 Fr Placidus Metsch (1700-1778): Praeambulum et Fuga (IV. Toni) 13 P. Placidus Metsch (1700-1778): Praeambulum et Fuga (G major) 14 P. Placidus Metsch (1700-1778): Praeambulum et Fuga (D minor)
Mehr €16.50 *
Eberhard Kraus
Cantantibus organis, volume 6 Organ
Organ music in European cathedrals II - St Peter's in Rome The Cantantibus Organis series presents organ pieces in several booklets, one group of which is selected according to the festive cycles and special themes of the church year; other groups with free preludes, interludes and postludes are organised according to musical aspects. The level of difficulty of the selected pieces ranges from ‘easy’ to ‘quite difficult’. No special pedalling skills are required. Numerous pieces are historically based and can be played entirely without pedalling. The main emphasis of the selected pieces in this collection is on manual technique. Many of the works are ideal for church music festivals and concerts. The pieces without pedal also sound excellent on the harpsichord. This volume is dedicated to organ music in European cathedrals - St Peter's | Rome. Content: 1. Guillaume Dufay (c. 1400-1474): Kyrie 2. Guillaume Dufay (c. 1400-1474): Kyrie 3. Guillaume Dufay (c. 1400-1474): Kyrie 4. Josquin Desprez (c. 1450-1521) / Francisco Fernandez Palero (16th century): Cum Sancto Spiritu - From the Missa de beata Virgine 5. Josquin Desprez (c. 1450-1521): Virgo prudentissima 6. Marbriano de Orto (15th century): Canzon - Se je perdu mon amy 7. Cristóbal de Morales (c. 1500-1553) / F.F. Palero: Un verso del quinto tono. 8. Jacob Arcadelt (c. 1514 - before 1572) / Valentin Bakfarc (Greffus) (1507-1576): Exaltabo te Domine. 9. G. Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-1594) / Jacob Paix (1550-1617): Cantantibus organis 10. Orlando di Lasso (1532-1594): Christ ist erstanden 11. Orlando di Lasso (1532-1594): Amen dico vobis 12. Tomás Luis de Victoria (c. 1540-1611): Gaude Maria Virgo 13. Domenico Maria Ferrabosco (16th century) / B. Schmid d. Ä. (1520-1592): Madrigal - Io mi son giovantetta 14. Luca Marenzio (1553-1599) / B. Schmid. Schmid the Younger (* 1584): Madrigal - Madonna sua 15. Ruggiero Giovanelli (c. 1560-1625) / B. Schmid. Schmid d. Ä. (1520-1592): Madrigal - Bella d'amor 16. Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643): Canzon 17. Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643): Canzon 18. Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643): Canzon 19. Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757): Sonata 20. Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757): Sonata 21. Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757): Sonata per Organo 22. Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757): Sonata Fuga
Mehr €17.50 *
Eberhard Kraus
Cantantibus organis, volume 7 Organ
Organ music in Benedictine monasteries - Augsburg | Garsten | St. Lambrecht | Mariazell The Cantantibus Organis series presents organ pieces in several booklets, one group of which is selected according to the festive cycles and special themes of the church year; other groups with free preludes, interludes and postludes are organised according to musical aspects. The level of difficulty of the selected pieces ranges from ‘easy’ to ‘quite difficult’. No special pedalling skills are required. Numerous pieces are historically based and can be played entirely without pedalling. The main emphasis of the selected pieces in this collection is on manual technique. Many of the works are ideal for church music festivals and concerts. The pieces without pedal also sound excellent on the harpsichord. This volume is dedicated to organ music in Benedictine monasteries - Augsburg | Garsten | St. Lambrecht | Mariazell and is supplied in ring binding. Content: 1.Gregor Aichinger (1564-1628): Ricercar (I) - Primi toni / A4 2.Gregor Aichinger (1564-1628): Ricercar (II) - Per sonare et cantare 3.Gregor Aichinger (1564-1628): Ricercar (III) - Per sonare et cantare / A4 4.Gregor Aichinger (1564-1628): Ricercar (IV) - Quarti toni 5.Gregor Aichinger (1564-1628): Ricercar (V) - Secundi toni 6.Gregor Aichinger (1564-1628): Ricercar (VI) - Primi toni 7.Gregor Aichinger (1564-1628) / Bernhard Schmid the Younger (* 1584): Gaudeamus et exultemus - Motet for five voices 8.Gregor Aichinger (1564-1628): Adoro te supplex, latens deitas - motet for four voices 9.Gregor Aichinger (1564-1628): Duo Seraphim clamabant - motet for eight voices 10.Gregor Aichinger (1564-1628) / Johann Woltz (around 1600): Suscepimus Deus - motet for six voices 11.P. Sebastian Ertel (†1618): Cadenzas in the eight church tones 12.P. Sebastian Ertel († 1618): Tota pulchra es amica mea - Motet for eight voices
Mehr €17.50 *
Eberhard Kraus
Cantantibus organis, volume 8 Organ
The organ in the church year II - Easter The Cantantibus Organis series presents organ pieces in several booklets, one group of which is selected according to the festive cycles and special themes of the church year; other groups with free preludes, interludes and postludes are organised according to musical aspects. The level of difficulty of the selected pieces ranges from ‘easy’ to ‘quite difficult’. No special pedalling skills are required. Numerous pieces are historically based and can be played entirely without pedalling. The main emphasis of the selected pieces in this collection is on manual technique. Many of the works are ideal for church music festivals and concerts. The pieces without pedal also sound excellent on the harpsichord. This volume is dedicated to organ music for Easter in the church year. Content: 1.Gottlieb Muffat (1690-1770): Il Alleluia per la resurrectione. Fuga a quatro 2.Thomas Preston (16th century): Organ Mass for Easter Sunday 3.Jean Titelouze (1563-1633): Ad coenam agni providi. Hymn for Vespers at Easter 4.Giovanni Battista Fasolo (17th century): Ad coenam agni providi. Hymn for Vespers at Easter 5. organ book of St Ulrich and Afra (Neresheim) (16th century): Resurrexi. Introit of the Easter feast 6.Josquin Desprez (around 1450-1521) / Fridolin Sicher (1490-1546?): Victimae paschali laudes. Easter sequence 7.Christian Erbach (1570-1635): Victimae paschali. Easter sequence 8.Matteo Asola (†1609): Victimae paschali laudes. Easter sequence 9.Orlando di Lasso (1532-1594) / Bernhard Schmid the Elder (1520-1592): Surrexit pastor bonus. 2nd sorium of Matins on Easter Monday 10.Heinrich Finck (1444-1527): Vita sactorum. Easter hymn 11.Codex Nikolaus Apel (15th century): Salve festa dies. Easter hymn 12.Jean François Dandrieu (1684-1740): O filii et filiae. Easter hymn 13.Buxheim Organ Book (15th century): Christ ist erstanden 14.Glogau songbook (15th century): Christ ist erstanden 15.Vasurto (16th century) / Estevan Daça (16th century): Angelus Domini. Offertory on Easter Monday 16 Codex Nikolaus Apel (15th century): Salve festa dies - In die resurrectionis. Easter hymn - Alleluia verse on White Sunday
Mehr €25.20 *
Eberhard Kraus
Cantantibus organis, volume 9 Organ
Organ music in Benedictine monasteries - Irsee | Milan | Neresheim The Cantantibus Organis series presents organ pieces in several booklets, one group of which is selected according to the festive cycles and special themes of the church year; other groups with free preludes, interludes and postludes are arranged according to musical points of view. The level of difficulty of the selected pieces ranges from ‘easy’ to ‘quite difficult’. No special pedalling skills are required. Numerous pieces are for historical reasons, to be played entirely without pedal. The main emphasis of the selected pieces in this collection is on manual technique. Many of the works are ideal for church music festivals and concerts. The pieces without pedal also sound excellent on the harpsichord. This volume is dedicated to organ music in Benedictine monasteries - Irsee | Milan | Neresheim. Content: 1.Organ book of St Ulrich and Afra (Neresheim) (16th century): Jeprens angre 2.Organ book of St Ulrich and Afra (Neresheim) (16th century): Preambulum octavi toni 3.Organ book of St Ulrich and Afra (Neresheim) (16th century): Preambulum in D et A 4.Organ book of St Ulrich and Afra (Neresheim) (16th century): Preambulum in Fa 5.Organ book of St Ulrich and Afra (Neresheim) (16th century): Introitus in festo Nativitatis Jesu Christi 6.Organ book of St Ulrich and Afra (Neresheim) (16th century): De beata virgine Maria (Kyrie and Gloria) 7.Organ book of St Ulrich and Afra (Neresheim) (16th century): Christe redemptor omnium. Hymn for Vespers at Christmas 8.Organ book of St Ulrich and Afra (Neresheim) (16th century): Gaude. Hymn for the feast of St Ulrich and St Afra 9.Organ book of St Ulrich and Afra (Neresheim) (16th century): Magnificat. Octavi toni 10.Organ book of St Ulrich and Afra (Neresheim) (16th century): Preambulum in G 11.Organ book of St Ulrich and Afra (Neresheim) (16th century): Preambulum 12.Organ book of St Ulrich and Afra (Neresheim) (16th century):Preambulum 13. Organ book of St Ulrich and Afra (Neresheim) (16th century):Preambulum 14. Organ book of St Ulrich and Afra (Neresheim) (16th century):Preambulum 15.Organ book of St Ulrich and Afra (Neresheim) (16th century):Preambulum 16.P. Carolus Andreae (16th/17th century):Domine Dominus noster 17.P. Carolus Andreae (16th/17th century):Falsibordoni tertii toni 18.P. Carolus Andreae (16th/17th century): Magnificat 19.P. Serafino Cantone (16th/17th century):Concerto (I)20.P. Serafino Cantone (16th/17th century):Concerto (II) 21.P. Serafino Cantone (16th/17th cent.): Canzone ‘La Serafina’ 22.P. Serafino Cantone (16th/17th cent.): Ave Maria ancilla sanctae trinitas
Mehr €15.50 *
Eberhard Kraus
Cantantibus organis, volume 10 Organ
Organ music of the Franciscans The Cantantibus Organis series presents organ pieces in several booklets, one group of which is selected according to the festive cycles and special themes of the church year; other groups with free preludes, interludes and postludes are arranged according to musical points of view. The level of difficulty of the selected pieces ranges from ‘easy’ to ‘quite difficult’. No special pedalling skills are required. Numerous pieces are for historical reasons, to be played entirely without pedal. The main emphasis of the selected pieces in this collection is on manual technique. Many of the works are ideal for church music festivals and concerts. The pieces without pedal also sound excellent on the harpsichord. This volume is dedicated to the organ music of the Franciscans. Content: 1.P. Giovanni Battista Fasolo (17. Jh.): Ricercata prima – Primo tono 2.P. Giovanni Battista Fasolo (17. Jh.): Ricercata seconda – Secondo tono ecclesiastico 3.P. Giovanni Battista Fasolo (17. Jh.): Ricercata terza – Terza tono 4.P. Giovanni Battista Fasolo (17. Jh.): Ricercata quarta – Quarto tono 5.P. Giovanni Battista Fasolo (17. Jh.): Ricercata quinta – Quinto tono 6.P. Giovanni Battista Fasolo (17. Jh.): Ricercata sesta – Sesto tono 7.P. Giovanni Battista Fasolo (17. Jh.): Ricercata settima – Settimo tono 8.P. Giovanni Battista Fasolo (17. Jh.): Ricercata ottava – Ottavo tono 9.P. Giovanni Battista Fasolo (17. Jh.): Canzon prima – Primo tono accidentale 10.P. Giovanni Battista Fasolo (17. Jh.): Canzon seconda – Secondo tono trasprtato alla quarta alta 11.P. Giovanni Battista Fasolo (17. Jh.): Canzon terza – Tono misto di quarto sol diesis, et di Terzo per Secondo parte, con la cadenza naturale 12.P. Giovanni Battista Fasolo (17. Jh.): Canzon quarta – Quarto tono naturale 13.P. Giovanni Battista Fasolo (17. Jh.): Canzon quinta – Quinto tono trasportato alla quarta 14.P. Giovanni Battista Fasolo (17. Jh.): Canzon sesta – Sesto tono naturale 15.P. Giovanni Battista Fasolo (17. Jh.): Canzon settima – Settimo tono 16.P. Giovanni Battista Fasolo (17. Jh.): Canzon ottava – Ottavo tono 17.P. Giulio Belli (um 1560-1613): Quem vidistis pastores 18.P. Giulio Belli (um 1560-1613): Salve Sancte Parens Patriae – De Sancto Francisco 19.P. Giulio Belli (um 1560-1613): O bone Jesu 20.P. Giulio Belli (um 1560-1613): O sacrum convivium
Mehr €17.50 *
Eberhard Kraus
Cantantibus organis, volume 11 Organ
Organ music in European cathedrals III - Bergamo | Passau The Cantantibus Organis series presents organ pieces in several booklets, one group of which is selected according to the festive cycles and special themes of the church year; other groups with free preludes, interludes and postludes are arranged according to musical points of view. The level of difficulty of the selected pieces ranges from ‘easy’ to ‘quite difficult’. No special pedalling skills are required. Numerous pieces are for historical reasons, to be played entirely without pedal. The main emphasis of the selected pieces in this collection is on manual technique. Many of the works are ideal for church music festivals and concerts. The pieces without pedal also sound excellent on the harpsichord. This volume is dedicated to organ music in European cathedrals - Bergamo | Passau. Content: 1.Antonio Scandello (1517-1580) / Elias Nikolaus Ammerbach (c. 1530-1597): Ich weiß mir ein fest gebautes Haus 2.Pietro Ponzio (1532-1595): 15 cadenzas in the eight church tones 3.Pietro Vinci (1540-circa 1584): Ricercar quinto 4.Pietro Vinci (1540-c.1584): Ricercar ottava 5.Pietro Vinci (1540-um1584): Fa mi la mi sol la 6.Giovanni Cavaccio (around 1556-1626): Ricercar secondo à 4 7.Giovanni Cavaccio (c. 1556-1626): Toccata prima à 4 8.Giovanni Cavaccio (c. 1556-1626): Ricercar primo à 3 9.Giovanni Cavaccio (c. 1556-1626): Ricercar secondo à 3 10.Giovanni Cavaccio (c. 1556-1626): Prima Canzon Francese à 4 11.Giovanni Cavaccio (c. 1556-1626): Octava Canzon Francese 12.Giacomo Brignoli (around 1600): Fuga 13.Pietro Andrea Ziani (around 1620-1684): Capriccio 14.Giovanni Battista Bassani (around 1657-1716): Sonata 15.Simon Mayr (1763-1845): Trio 16.Simon Mayr (1763-1845): Praeludium in D minor 17.Simon Mayr (1763-1845): Praeludium in D major 18.Simon Mayr (1763-1845): Praeludium in D major 19.Simon Mayr (1763-1845): Praeludium in E flat major 20.Simon Mayr (1763-1845): Gran Preludio 21.Franz Anton Hugl (18th century): Prelude et Fugae quarti toni 22.Franz Anton Hugl (18th century): Exercitium per ligaturas 23.Franz Anton Hugl (18th century): Fuga in C minor 24.Paul Hofhaimer (1459-1537) / Elias Nikolaus Ammerbach (ca. 1530-1597): Ach edler Hort 25.Paul Hofhaimer (1459-1537) / Elias Nikolaus Ammerbach (c. 1530-1597): Tröstlicher Lieb stets ich mich üb 26.Paul Hofhaimer (1459-1537) / Elias Nikolaus Ammerbach (c. 1530-1597): Herzliebstes Bild
Mehr €18.50 *
Eberhard Kraus
Cantantibus organis, volume 12 Organ
The organ in the church year III - between Christmas and Easter The Cantantibus Organis series presents organ pieces in several booklets, one group of which is selected according to the festive cycles and special themes of the church year; other groups with free preludes, interludes and postludes are arranged according to musical points of view. The level of difficulty of the selected pieces ranges from ‘easy’ to ‘quite difficult’. No special pedalling skills are required. Numerous pieces are for historical reasons, to be played entirely without pedal. The main emphasis of the selected pieces in this collection is on manual technique. Many of the works are ideal for church music festivals and concerts. The pieces without pedal also sound excellent on the harpsichord. Content: 1.Christian Erbach (1570-1635): Lucis creator optime. Hymn: Sundays 2.John Redford (um 1485-1545): Primo dierum. Hymn: Sundays 3.Codex Nikolaus Apel (15. Jh.): Alma redemptoris mater. Marian antiphon 4.William Blithman (†1591): Jesu redemptor omnium. Hymn: Christmastide 5.Jean Titelouze (1563-1633): A solis ortus cardine / Crudelis Herodes. Hymn: Christmas / Epiphany season 6.Fridolin Sicher (1490-1546): Ecce Maria genuit nobis Salvatorem. Antiphon: Circumcision of the Lord 7.Sebastian Hasenknopf (um 1545-nach 1597): Domine Dominus noster. Introit psalm: Name of Jesus 8.Thomas Preston (16. Jh.): Reges Tharsis. Offertory: Epiphany 9.Girolamo Diruta (16. Jh.): Hostis Herodes impie. Hymn: Epiphany 10.Hans Leo Haßler (1564-1612): Verbum caro factum est. Antiphon: Holy Family / Responsorial: Christmas 11.Orgelbuch von Str. Ulrich und Afra (Neresheim) (16. Jh.): Deus qui sedes. Responsorial: 2nd Sunday after Epiphany 12.Anonym (Englisch, 16. Jh.): Ex more docti mystico. Hymn: Lent 13.John Redford (um 1484-1545): Ex more docti mystico. Hymn: Lent 14.Buxheimer Orgelbuch (1465-1475): Ave Regina caelorum. Marian antiphon 15.Nicholas Carleton (16. Jh.): Audi benigne conditor. Hymn: Lent 16.Clemens non Papa (um 1510-um 1556) / Valentin Bakfarc (1507-1576): Circumederunt me. Introit: Septuagesima 17.Tibertio Massaino (vor 1550-nach 1609) / Bernhard Schmid d. J. (16./17.Jh.): Laetare Jerusalem. Introit: 4th Sunday of Lent 18.Nicolas le Bègue (1630-1702): Stabat mater. Hymn: Seven Sorrows of Mary 19.Simon Boyleau (16. Jh.) / Estevan Daca (16. Jh.): Deus Deus meus. Introit psalm: Palm Sunday 20.Guillaume Dufay (um 1400-1474): Vexilla regis. Hymn: Passiontide 21.Ludwig Senfl (um 1490-1550) / Sebastian Ochsenkhun (1521-1574): Vita in ligno. Passion motet 22.Giulio Cesare Arresti (1617-1692): Pange lingua. Processional hymn: Maunday Thursday 23.John Dunstable (um 1380-1453): Crux fidelis. Antiphon: Procession of the cross on Good Friday 24.Pierre Attaingnant (†1553): O vos omnes. Responsory: Holy Saturday
Mehr €22.50 *